Sunday, October 18, 2009

My List

I am in a book club and we read a book called "The Next Thing on My List". It was an easy read about a woman who was driving a person who she had just met home...they got into a car accident and the passenger died. The woman found a list that belonged to the passenger and decided to finish the things on the list in her honor. The things on the list were things like run a 5K, dare to go braless, try boogie boarding along with seventeen other goals on her list.

This book has inspired me to make a list. I haven't actually written out an entire list yet..but my first idea so far, is to learn a belly dance and perform it for my hubby. I got a practice dvd for my birthday, so I am hoping I will be able to learn it...but I am not that wish me luck.

As I think of new things on my list...and I complete them, I will be sure to let y'all know!

1 comment:

Jill said...

belly dancing for your hubby..
makes me blush!
good luck. I"m sure Joel will LOVE it.

hee hee.