Saturday, September 6, 2008

"Don't freak out..."

I was sitting on the bench with some of my co-workers watching the kids play in the gym. All of a sudden one of my co-workers says "don't freak out"..I look at him confused...again he says "don't freak out"...I followed his eye gaze and there it was a hubongous cockroach chillin' on my leg. I didn't want to freak out because I didn't want it to crawl down my leg and then up my pants...eek. A few shakes and I successfully got it off. Ewwwww....the cockroaches in Mississippi must be on steroids...I've never seen them so big (in this country). No worries...a student smooshed it's little guts out so I won't be seeing that bug chillin' on me anymore.


Jill said...
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Jill said...

great post Sarah!
; )